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Book Events Gallery |
- Author and Friend Reunite After 82 Years

ComteQ author and Holocaust survivor Betty Grebenschikoff (Once My Name Was Sara) happily reunites with childhood friend Ana Maria Wahrenberg after 82 years. They were 9 years old when they bid farewell to each other in Nazi Germany. Betty says, "It was truly a miraculous meeting for us both, facilitated by the USC Shoah Foundation and the Holocaust Museums of St. Petersburg, Florida and Santiago, Chile." (Nov 2021)
- Premier Screening of "Leo Ullman's Story"
 Holocaust suvivor and ComteQ Publishing Author Leo Ullman, (796 Days), with Publisher Rob Huberman at the expansion Completion and Dedication of the Schimmel and Hoogenboom Righteous Remembrance Room and Gail Hirsch Rosenthal Room, and premier screening of There Were Good People...Doing Extraordinary Deeds: Leo Ullman's Story. (Oct. 2019)
- Book Launch "From the Vilna Ghetto"
 Holocaust survivor and author Molly Kiedjan with ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman at the Beth El Synagogue launch of her memoir, From the Vilna Ghetto. (June 2019)
- ComteQ Author Yom Hashoah Speaker
 Holocaust suvivor and ComteQ Publishing Author David Wisnia, (One Voice, Two Lives), with Publisher Rob Huberman at Yom HaShoah Service for 2018: “Unto Every Person There Is A Name - Remembering the 6 million Jewish Victims of the Holocaust” at Beth Israel of Northfield. (Apr. 2018)
- AC Arts Garage Book Launch
 ComteQ Publishing Author Joseph Polillo, aka “Postcard Joey” and Publisher Rob Huberman at Atlantic City book signing event for (Joseph: Inspirational Poems) at the Noyes Arts Garage of Stockton University (Mar. 2016)
- EHT Historical Society Book Release
 Egg Harbor Historical Society President June Sheridan, ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman and EHTHS Vice President Lynn Wood at the release of Journey Through Time: A Pictorial History of Egg Harbor Township. (Aug. 2015)
- Smithville "Into Foreverland" Book Release
 ComteQ author Tootsie Barron and Publisher Rob Huberman at the release of Into Foreverland at the Smithville Inn in Smithville, NJ. (Dec. 2014)
- "Closing the Gap" Book Launch Event
 Publisher Rob Huberman with defense lawyer and ComteQ author Bill Subin at the launch of his book Closing the Gap, (Sep. 2014)
- "Mr. Atlantic City" Pinky Kravitz
 "Mr. Atlantic City" radio and television personality Pinky Kravitz stops by the offices of ComteQ Publishing to discuss the publishing of a memoir. (Jun. 2014)
- Legendary Philadelphia TV "News Hound"
 Former Philadelphia television personality, newspaper reporter, and ComteQ Publishing author of the memoir News Hound Dick Sheeran, with Publisher Rob Huberman at a book signing event. (Jan. 2014)
- "Sizzle & Swing" Book Launch & Concert
 Dot Time Records Executive Jo Bickhardt, The Mahattan Transfer founding member, jazz singer, and ComteQ author Erin Dickins, and Publisher Rob Huberman at the book launch of her Sizzle & Swing: Jazzin' Up Food at Germanos Night Club in Baltimore, MD. ComteQ bundled Erin's latest CD Java Jive with the new cookbook. (Mar. 2014)
- Red Klotz Book Launch Event
 Gloria Klotz, wife of Jewish basketball legend Red Klotz, Publisher Rob Huberman, and ComteQ author Tim Kelly at the book launch for The Legend of Red Klotz: How Basketball’s Loss Leader Won Over the World—14,000 Times at Steve & Cookie's Restaurant in Margate, NJ (Jan. 2014)
- The Legend of Red Klotz Launch Event
 (L-R) ComteQ author Israel Posner, "Mr. Atlantic City" radio and television personality Pinky Kravitz, ComteQ author Leo Schoffer, and Publisher Rob Huberman attend book launch event for Harlem Globtrotters opponent and Jewish basketball Hall of Famer Red Klotz. The Legend of Red Klotz release event took place at Steve & Cookies restaurant in Margate, NJ. (Jan. 2014)
- Holocaust Archives Presented to Seton Hall
 Publisher Rob Huberman with Holocaust survivor, activist and ComteQ author Luna Kaufman (Luna's Life: A Journey of Forgiveness and Triumph), who donated her prison dress that she wore the in concentration camps, to Seton Hall University in East Orange NJ. (Sep. 2013)
- Wallenberg Plaza Dedication Event
 NJ Commission on Holocaust Education Dr. Paul Winkler, Publisher Rob Huberman, and Holocaust survivor and ComteQ author Vera Goodkin alongside a poster at an event honoring Raoul Wallenberg at Beth El Synagogue in Margate, NJ. Goodkin was rescued by Wallenberg and details her account in her memoir In Sunshine and in Shadows: We Remember Them. She was on hand for the dedication of Wallenber Plaza. (Sep. 2013)
- Legendary drummer Bernard Purdie
 Legendary American drummer Bernard Purdie, famed for his signature use of triplets against a half-time backbeat: the "Purdie Shuffle," among other drumming feats including credit on the soundtrack album for the Beatles' film Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1978), stops by the office of ComteQ Publishing to discuss his forthcoming memoir with Publisher Rob Huberman. (Jun. 2013)
- "Cha Cha" Children's Book
 ComteQ Publishing author and former grade school teacher Natalie Powell receives her copies of her new children's book Cha Cha: The Very Special Bird based on a true story when her pet fell into a pot of soup she was preparing. (Jun 2013)
- AC Boardwalk Boss Book Launch
 Publisher Rob Huberman in from of the historical Knife & Fork Inn in Atlantic City for the book launch of Nucky: The Real Story of the Atlantic City Boardwalk Boss. (Jan. 2013)
- "Nucky" Book Release Event
 Publisher Rob Huberman and ComteQ author Frank J. Ferry, Esq. pose with Atlantic City Boartdwalk Boss "Nucky Johnson" at a book release for Nucky: The Real Story of the Atlantic City Boardwalk Boss at the historic Knife & Fork Inn in Atlantic City. (Apr. 2013)
- Huberman Holocaust Documentary in Works

Oscar Nominated Filmmaker Josh Aronson, Exec. Producer Dorit Straus, survivor Rosi Grunschlag and Rob Huberman at a fundraiser for Orchestra of Exiles at Faust Harrison Pianos in Manhattan. The film chronicles Bronislaw’s Huberman four-year struggle to found the Palestine Symphony in 1936 with Europe's Jewish musicians, who, with their families, were among the one thousand Jews he saved from the Holocaust. (Oct. 2011)
- Poland’s President Honors ComteQ Author
 Holocaust survivor, activist and ComteQ author Luna Kaufman (Luna's Life) receives a medal of honor from Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski. Luna was honored by the Polish government for her efforts to foster Jewish-Catholic relations and to keep alive the memory of the Shoah and its victims. (Sep. 2011)
- Best Selling ComteQ Author Surpasses 13,000
 ComteQ author Fred Spiegel (Once the Acacias Bloomed) stops by the offices of ComteQ to order the 13,000th copy of his Holocaust memoir. On the wall behind Spiegel are some of the sixteen book publishing awards received by ComteQ. (Sep. 2011)
- Beth El Synagogue Holocaust Event

Holocaust survivors and ComteQ Publishing authors (l-r) Joseph Rosenberg, Fred Spiegel, Ernest Paul, Publisher Rob Huberman, Executive Director of the NJ Commission on Holocaust Education Dr. Paul Winkler, and Betty Grebenchikoff at a Holocaust event at Beth El Synagogue in Margate, NJ (Aug. 2011)
- Holocaust Resource Center Event
 Publisher Rob Huberman with Holocaust survivor Joseph Rosenberg, author of Cutting My Life in Two, and wife Nita at an event at the Sara and Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. (Jun. 2011)
- AC Boardwalk Holocaust Site Dedication
 Publisher Rob Huberman, Jewish Federation of Atlantic County Executive Director Bob Seltzer, and President of the Masjid Muhammad Mosque and President of the Bridge of Faith Kaleem Shabazz attend the site dedication for the proposed Atlantic City Boardwalk Holocaust Memorial. (May 2011)
- World's Biggest Beach Bum
 ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman stops by the Ocean City, NJ beach hangout of ComteQ author (East of the Boardwalk) and self-proclaimed "World's Biggest Beach Bum" Earl Paul. (April 2011)
- Blow Bubbles for Autism Book Reading
 ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman with Faces Autism Support Network Director Isabelle Mosca and ComteQ twin authors Kyle and Isabelle Mosca (Adventure to Autism Planet) at the Ventnor, NJ Elementary School. (April 2011)
- AJC Dinner to Honor Paul Winkler
 American Jewish Committee of Central New Jersey Event to honor New Jersey Commission of Education Executive Director Paul Winkler. ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman with Holocaust surivors and ComteQ authors (l) Vera Goodkin (In Sunshine and In Shadow) and Luna Kaufman (Luna's Life) (Jun. 2010)
- S.S. St. Louis Survivor
 S.S.St. Louis tragedy Holocaust survivor and ComteQ author Fred Buff (The St. Louis Diary of Fritz Buff) attend the American Jewish Committee of Central New Jersey Event to honor New Jersey Commission of Education Executive Director Paul Winkler. (Jun. 2010)
- Margate Book Signing Event
 ComteQ author of Life with Lulu Sylvia Baker with Publisher Rob Huberman at a Margate City sidewalk event book signing. (Dec. 2010)
- Children's Book Author
 Annette Corrigan and ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman at ComteQ's office upon the arrival of her children's book Andrew's Holey Blanket. (Dec 2010)
- "Righteous Among Nations" Medal Presented
 ComteQ Publishing author (Beyond the Ouija Board) Arlette deMonceau Michaelis, of Dennis Township, NJ was awarded the "Righteous Among the Nations" medal by Philadelphia Israel Consul General Daniel Kutner at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey’s Sara and Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center. Arlette and her family helped save Jews by hiding them in their Brussels apartment during the German occupation of Belgium. (July 2011)
- Museum of Jewish History Book Event in NYC
 Buddy Casel, Leo Schoffer, editor Ralph Berger and ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman at a book launch event for With Courage Shall We Fight at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in NYC. Ralph's parents were partisan fighters with the Bielski Brothers Brigade portrayed in the Hollywood feature film Defiance. (November 2010)
- Area Survivors at Hannah Senesh Exhibit, NYC
 Holocaust survivor Ernest Paul with ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman at the Hannah Senish exhibit at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in NYC. An agent for England during WWII, 24-year-old Senish was executed for treason. Imprisoned as a member of the Hungarian resistance, Ernest claims he was forced to witness the execution. (November 2010)
- JCC Holocaust Memoir Signing Event in Margate
 Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Dean of General Studies and ComteQ author (Ruins Wheel) Jan Colijn, Holocaust survivor and ComteQ author Don Berkman and ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman at the book launch of Don's Holocaust memoir, Two Voices: A Mother and a Son. (August 2010)
- Violinist Joshua Bell Seton Hall University
 "Humanitarian of the Year" Award recipient, classical violinist Joshua Bell, Sister Rose Thering Endowment for Jewish/Christian Studies Chair, Holocaust survivor and ComteQ author Luna Kaufman (Luna's Life), and Publisher Rob Huberman and wife Laura at the "Evening of Roses Benefit" at Seton Hall University in East Orange, NJ honoring Bell for his work with Israel and the Jewish world. Bell's Stravarious violin was owned by Huberman's great-grandfather's cousin and classical violinist Bronislaw Huberman. (April 2010)
- 2010 "Living Now" Book Awards
 Holocaust survivor and ComteQ Publishing author Luna Kaufman (Luna's Life) receives the 2010 Living Now Awards Bronze Medal in New York City from Awards Director Jim Barnes. It was the 3rd award her book has received. (April 2010)
- Studio Recording for AC Book DVD Promo
 (L-R) Announcer Jerry Hyman, Audio Engineer John Mulhern and Publisher Rob Huberman in the studio for the voice-over recording of the DVD promo for the award-winning A Dream, A Journey, A Community: A Nostalgic Look at Jewish Businesses In and Around Atlantic City. (Feb 2010)
- JFS Holocaust Survivors Author Event
 (L-R) JFS Holocaust Survivors Group Coordinator Sharon Linker, JFS Executive Director Andrea Steinberg, ComteQ author Bethanie Gorny (Fridays with Eva), JFS Director of Older Adult Services B.J. Pinnock and Publisher Rob Huberman. (November 2009)
- Stockton College Presents Holocaust Play
 Revival of the play based on the ComteQ Holocaust memoir Of a Comb and a Prayer Book performed at Richard Stockton College. The play brings to life the personal memoir of Elizabeth Blum Goldstein, a survivor of Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, and four other concentration camps.(l-r) Play Director Pam Hendrick, Of a Comb author Shana Fogarty, NJ Commission on Holocaust Education Executive Director Dr. Paul Winkler, Sam & Sara Shoffer Holocaust Resource Center Executive Director Gail Rosenthal and Publisher Rob Huberman.(November 2009)
- Holocaust Public Policy Lecture Series
 (L-R) Holocaust survivor and featured guest Eta Levin-Hecht, Event moderator and 2nd Generation New Jersey Supreme Court Chief Justice Stuart Rabner, Holocaust survivors and ComteQ authors Rosalee Simon (Girl in a Striped Dress) and Betty Grebenchikoff (Once My Name Was Sara), and ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman at the Richard Stockton College of NJ Holocaust Public Policy Lecture Series. (October 2009)
- ComteQ's 1st and Most Successful Authors
 Publisher Rob Huberman with ComteQ Publishing's most successful (11,000 copies in print) author/survivor Fred Spiegel (Once the Acacias Bloomed) and first author, Professor of Holocaust Studies Leo Lieberman (Memories of Laughter & Garlic: Jewish Wit, Wisdom & Humor) (Three Couches: No Waiting). (October 2009)
- "Fridays with Eva" Arrives
 ComteQ Publishing author Bethany Gorney receives her copies of her new book Fridays with Eva: Caring for and Learning from My Mother-in-law, a Holocaust Survivor. (Sep 2009)
- Museum of Jewish Heritage, NYC Book Launch
 Publisher Rob Huberman with Holocaust survivor and ComteQ author Luna Kaufman (Luna's Life) and Dr. Susanna Kokkonen, director of the Christian Friends of Yad Vashem, at a booksigning event at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City. (June 2009)
- Museum of Jewish Heritage, NYC Book Launch
 Holocaust survivor and ComteQ author Luna Kaufman (Luna's Life) and Dr. Susanna Kokkonen, director of the Christian Friends of Yad Vashem during "parlor conversation" at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City. Note Statue of Liberty in background. (June 2009)
- Atlantic City Jewish Business Book Gala
 Editor Leo Schoffer presents Atlantic City Historian and book contributor Alan "Boo" Pergament with a collector's edition leather boxed copy of A Dream, A Journey, A Community: A Nostalgic Look at Jewish Businesses in and Around Atlantic City at a book launch gala at the Linwood Country Club. (June 2009)
- Seton Hall University Book Event
 New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education Executive Director Dr. Paul Winkler, ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman and Holocaust survivor Ed Mossberg at the booksigning event at Seton Hall University for Luna's Life. Mosberg was one of seven Holocaust survivors to personally meet with Pope Bendict XVI in Jerusalem just one week earlier. (May 2009)
- Seton Hall Book Event for Luna's Life
 Holocaust survivor, ComteQ Publishing author and religious tolerence advocate Luna Kaufman (Luna's Life) at a book signing event at Seton Hall University. (May 2009)
- Renowned Historian & Holocaust Professor
 ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman with renowned historian and Holocaust Studies Professor Yehuda Bauer at the opening of the Sara & Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center at the Richard Stockton of New Jersey. (May 2009)
- Stockton Holocaust Resource Center Opening
 ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman with (A Dream, A Journey, A Community) Editor Leo B. Schoffer at the Sara & Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center at the Richard Stockton of New Jersey. (May 2009)
- NJ Education Association Holocaust Ed Exhibit
 Holocaust survivor and ComteQ author Betty Grebenchikoff (Once My Name Was Sara), ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman, Sara & Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center Professor Maryann McLoughlin and Center Director Gail Rosenthal with ComteQ Publishing's Holocaust titles at the Richard Stockton College booth at the New Jersey Education Association in Atlantic City. (November 2008)
- Renowned Holocaust Expert & Author at JCC
 Michael Berenbaum, author, Professor of Jewish Studies at the American Jewish University, Los Angeles and Former Director of the Research Institute, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC with ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman at a Holocaust event at the Katz JCC in Margate, NJ. Huberman is holding a copy of the ComteQ published Words for All Time: Students' Letters to Holocaust Survivors, to which Berenbaum was a contributor. (Nov. 2008)
- NJ Governor Jon Corzine Attends Book Event
 ComteQ Publisher Rob and wife Laura with New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine at Drumthwacket, the governor's mansion in Trenton, NJ for a book launch event of ComteQ's of Words for All Time: Students' Letters to Holocaust Survivors. (Oct. 2008)
- Book Debuts at NJ Governor's Mansion
 New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education Executive Director Dr. Paul Winkler with ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman at the governor's mansion in Trenton, NJ for a book launch event of ComteQ's of Words for All Time: Students' Letters to Holocaust Survivors. (Oct. 2008)
- Survivors Book Event Katz JCC in Margate
 (L-R) Gail Kamis, ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman, Ellen Wetzel; Jack and Bethany Gorney and Richard Stockton College Holocaust Resource Center Exectitve Director Gail Rosenthal at a book launch event at the Katz JCC in Margate, NJ for ComteQ's Portraits of Resillience: Holocaust Survivors of South Jersey. (Oct. 2008)
- Most Successful ComteQ Author at JCC Event
 Publisher Rob Huberman with ComteQ Publishing's most successful (10,000 copies in print) author/survivor Fred Spiegel (Once the Acacias Bloomed) at a Holocaust event at the Katz JCC in Margate, NJ. (Oct. 2008)
- Atlantic City Art Center Book Launch
 (L-R) ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman, Editor Maryann McLoughlin; Richard Stockton College Dean of General Studies Jan Colijn; HRC Executive Director Gail Rosenthal, Stockton Photography Professor Wendel White and Richard Stockton College of New Jersey President Herman J. Saatkamp Jr. attend the book launch event at the Atlantic City Art Center for Holocaust Survivors of South Jersey: Portraits of Resilience. (Apr. 2007)
- Holocaust Resource Center Event
 ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman admires two ComteQ Publishing awards received by the Sara and Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center at Richard Stockton College during an event there. (Jun. 2007)
- Teacher's Holocaust Workshop at Stockton
 Teacher's Holocaust workshop held at the Richard Stockton College if New Jersey. (L-R) NJ resident survivors Esther Berkowitz (Through Siberia with Bed & Babies); Gloria Weitzenhoff (This I Remember); Phillip Goldfarb; Vera Goodkin (In Sunshine and In Shadow); Fred Spiegel (Once the Acacias Bloomed); Fanny Lesser (Lives Entwined); ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman; Betty Grebenchikoff (Once my Name Was Sara). (Oct. 2007)
- Book Reading at Philadelphia School
 ComteQ Publishing author Stacy Schwartz (rear right) at a book reading for The New Bear on the Block at the Rhoads Elementary School in Philadelphia, sponsored by the Drexel University/School District of Philadelphia Partnership. (Oct. 2006) "Winner: Children's Picture Book" 2006 Best Books Awards
- Book Signing at Stockton President's Home
 Richard Stockton College President Herman J. Saatkamp Jr.(R) hosts a book signing event at his home for Ruins Wheel: A Father on War, A Son on Genocide by ComteQ Publishing author and Stockton Dean of General Studies G. Jan Colijn (in white), along with ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman and Jan's childhood friend and book benefactor Jack H. Koopman. (May 2006)
- Play Adapted from Holocaust Memoir
 ComteQ Publishing author/survivor Anne Fox (Between the Lines) and the cast of "My Heart in a Suitcase" adapted from her book of the same name. (Jun. 2006)
- Holocaust Education Teacher Workshop
 ComteQ Publishing author, poet and Holocaust survivor Evelyn Ripp (The Abandoned: A Life Apart from Life) signing books at New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education teacher workshop at the Katz JCC in Cherry Hill, NJ. (Dec. 2005)
- Survivor Authors At NJCHE Educator Workshop
 Rob Huberman with ComteQ Publishing authors Shana Fogerty, Anne Fox, Fred Spiegel, Shana's grandmother and survivor of six concentration camps Elizabeth Goldstein; Stacy Schwartz, Arlette Michaelis, Betty Grebenchikoff, Vera Goodkin, Evelyn Ripp, and NJCHE Executive Director Dr. Paul Winkler at a teacher's Holocaust education workshop at the Katz JCC in Cherry Hill, NJ. (Dec. 2005)
- NJ Commission on Holocaust Education at NJEA
 ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman with New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education Executive Director Dr. Paul Winkler and staff at the comission's booth at the New Jersey Educational Association convention in Atlantic City. (Nov. 2005)
- NJ Education Association Convention
 Publisher Rob Huberman with ComteQ Publishing author and Dutch-born Holocaust rescuer Arlette Michaelis (Beyond the Ouija Board) at "Author's Alley" at the New Jersey Educational Association convention in Atlantic City. (Nov. 2005)
- Lucy History Republished by ComteQ
 Some Lucy the Elephant fans on hand for the for the arrival of the republished Lucy History Book from ComteQ Publishing. (Apr. 2005)
- Survivor School Presentation in Margate
 Holocaust survivor and ComteQ Publishing author Fred Spiegel (Once the Acacias Bloomed) presents his story to 4th graders at the William H. Ross School in Margate, NJ (May 2004)
- Anne Frank Friend Reunites w/ComteQ Author
 Anne Frank's childhood friend and Holocaust survivor Hanna Pick-Gosler and ComteQ Publishing author/survivor Fred Spiegel (Once the Acacias Bloomed), who first met each other in the Westerbork, Germany concentration camp orphanage in 1944, reunite at a Holocaust event at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. (Feb 2004)
- Atlantic City Steel Pier Book Signing
 Famed Atlamtic City promoter and ComteQ Publishing author George A. Hamid, Jr. signing The Acrobat: A Showman's Topsy-turvy World from Buffalo Bill to the Beatles on his formerly-owned tourist attraction, the "Steel Pier" in Atlantic City. (May 2004)
- Steel Pier's George Hamid Radio Interview
 Atlantic City radio talk show host Harry Hurley with former Steel Pier owner and ComteQ author George Hamid, Jr. ( The Acrobat: A Showman's Topsy-turvy World from Buffalo Bill to the Beatles) after an interview on "Hurley in the Morning." (May 2004)
- Anne Frank Childhood Friend Visits Area
 ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman with Anne Frank's childhood friend and Holocaust survivor Hanna Pick-Gosler and her granddaughter at the Jerusalem Restaurant in Ventnor, NJ (Feb. 2003)
- 2002 Independent Publisher Award
 ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman in Los Angeles receiving the 2002 Independent Publishers Book Awards "Finalist -- General Fiction" (The Days of the Bitter End) from IPBA President Jim Barnes. (May 2002)
- Sid Ascher Book Signing Event in Margate
 Laura and Joshua Huberman with newspaper columnist, marketing legend, and ComteQ Publishing author Sid Ascher (Sid Ascher's World of Trivia and More) at a book signing event in Margate, NJ. (Apr. 2001)
- Boys & Girls Club Book Signing Event in AC
 Newspaper columnist, marketing legend, and ComteQ Publishing author Sid Ascher at his book signing event for Sid Ascher's World of Trivia and More at the Boy's & Girl's Club of Atlantic City (Apr. 2001)
- Beth El Book Fair Features ComteQ Authors
 ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman at the Beth El Synagogue Book Fair in Margate, NJ with ComteQ Publishing authors Leo Lieberman (Memories of Laughter & Garlic: Jewish Wit, Wisdom & Humor) and Sid Ascher (Sid Ascher's World of Trivia and More). (Oct. 2001)
- Book Launch at Harrah's in Atlantic City
 Publishing Agent xxx, ComteQ author and Holocaust survivor Jack Engelhard (Indecent Proposal; Escape from Mount Moriah) and ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman at the book launch event for Engelhard's novel The Days of the Bitter End at Harrah's Casino in Atlantic City, NJ. (August 2001).
- Excellence in Independent Publishing Award
 ComteQ Publisher Rob Huberman in Baltimore, MD with Holocaust survivor and ComteQ author Jack Engelhard (L) receiving the MidAtlantic Publisher's Association "2001 Excellence in Independent Publishing Award" for Escape from Mount Moriah: Memoirs of a Refugee Child's Triumph (Jun. 2001)
- Harry Hurley Radio Interview w/ComteQ Author
 On promotional tour with legendary promoter and ComteQ Publishing author Sid Ascher (Sid Ascher's World of Trivia and More) on WFPG Talk Radio's "Harry Hurley in the Morning." (Apr. 2001)
- "Pinky's Corner" TV Interview
 ComteQ author and award winning newspaper columnist Leo Lieberman (Memories of Laughter & Garlic: Jewish Wit, Wisdom & Humor) book tour with Atlantic City radio and television talk show host "Pinky" Kravitz. (Sept. 2001)
- ComteQ Publishing's Premier Book Launch
 ComteQ author and Holocaust studies Professor Leo Lieberman at the book launch event at the Katz JCC in Margate for Memories of Laughter and Garlic: Jewish Wit, Wisdom & Humor. (Sept. 2001)
- "A Taste of Philadelphia" Culinary Event
 Jewish Times of the Jersey Shore Managing Editor Rob Huberman and wife Laura with Jewish cookbook best-selling author Ethel Hoffman at Tiramisu Restaurant in Philadelphia, Pa. (May 2000)
- American Jewish Press Awards Event
 Jewish Times of the Jersey Shore Managing Editor Rob Huberman, JTA award-winning columnist Leo Lieberman and Publisher Shy Kramer at JTA annual awards presentation in Washington, DC. (June 1997)
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